Today I have unintentionally bumped into this website and met with this playful little monkey. I like it so much that I decided to keep this pet monkey in my blog. Looking at him crawling around my monkey blog added more live to my blog, and it makes a good blogmate with my other monkeys. I like my blog to be more lively, just don't want to have those political tussels, financil critics or religious debates to make it so dull.
It might annoy you a bit because he likes to crawl around & might disturb you in reading my posting, but don't worry, he's very friendly , and that's why it's not chained-up. Just click on the banana, he'll go & find his own food. If you'll like to know what this monkey is thinking about, just click on him.

After knowing that this pet monkey is already running loose in my blog, Kee Mun has sent a whole lot of bananas to feed him. Thanks , KM !
Anyway, we don't have to go bananas over this little monkey. It's just a pet !

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