Being a newcomer into this blogger things, I have sent out some invitations to my buddy uncles the other day, requesting them to be the guest writer for my blog. All the uncles are very ' happy ' to receive my invitations and the feedback are very encouraging too. Captain was the 1st guest writer & his posting has been posted on last Thursday ( 9th July 2009 ). The following are the responds received from the uncles : -
GK : Dear Tali, you must be kidding me asking me to contribute to your blog! haha ...i have never done anything like that, and for now, definitely feeling the stress at work and dont know the meaning of happy! haha ...but one day, i will try. Currently in port dickson attending a meeting, and even at 11pm am writing company emails and replying mails and stuff like that. So am not sure if that is happy ...
BC : Hi Tali, Thank you for your invitation. Will see what i can do to contribute a little bit to your new blog.It's good to start with the 'happy' theme, because we can find abundance of them if we arewilling to give and share. Cheerio!
KF : Wah Tali, so formal one … invitation some more, why the message not in the envelope meh ? Like to contribute… but when thinking of something to write.. still blank lah.
Shen : Thanks Tali for your invitation, and I will send something in.
Chut-Chut : Tali, Thanks for the invitation. If you have specific questions about running blogspot I would be delighted to help. I am not in the mood of writing at present - so don't count on me to contribute much. Being very busy is one thing - but I am just not in the right 'mood'. Let me warn you - keeping a blog alive is a LOT of work! My blog is not really qualified as a blog - because there is simply not enough postings to keep people from coming back. I am keep it more as an archive of articles that I post to m2day and malaysiakini from time to time.
Wong Sir : Hi Tali, I am doing well, thanks for asking. Hope you and your family are fine as well. Congrats on your blog, I took a look at it just now and it's quite good and amusing; in keeping with the 'be happy' theme.I am currently busy with some projects and may not have the time to contribute anything original to your blog. But I will once I have some time. In the meantime here's a funny little story that you can consider posting, hopefully it will bring a smile to your readers. :) (Pic attached). Cheerio.
KM : Thanks ! Is my honour. Will do my best when data is avaialable. Good day !
EK : I dont know much about blogging. I find internet technology change so fast and so vast, and difficult to keep learning the technology. So sorry to make you NOT HAPPY right from the start. Sorry to dent your "happy mode" so fast. Hope you still has the good day to laugh at "why on earth call this ek kok and he knows nut of blogging"
YM : 哗,食饱饭无嘢做,咁得闲学人写BLOG啊。有时间不如去慈济做义工。不过讲开又讲,依家潮流兴写BLOG,没法挡。几十年老友(损友?),要我帮你写两句,都唔知要写乜。不如得闲爆Tali D料,等佢老婆扭佢耳仔。。

Some postings were already posted. Somemore replies should be on the way, I believe, HA ! HA ! HA !
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